Monday, September 26, 2011

My Biggest Challenge in Life is Me.

On this day—and everyday, for that matter—I need to remind myself that my biggest challenge in life is me.

Specifically, my thinking, my attitudes, my fears, my self-doubt, my self-limiting beleifs, my behaviors, my stupid  (meaning fear-based) decisions, my reactions, my inconsistancy, my unwillingness at times to commit, my inner-dialogue, my excuse-making, my need to please, my propensity to over-analyze, my ego, my low self-esteem… and recognizing all that, that apart from that, I am still have moments, little islands in time, to be pretty awesome.
That I can manage pretty much anything—that success or failure is not so much about the situation, the environment, circumstances, challenge or relationship I find myself in—it was about me in it. I was the problem—and also the solution. That if I can learn to get out of my own way, I could do, be and create almost anything if only I can recognize self-sabotage… so today—and everyday—I need to try to do these simple, but not easy things:
To stop waiting for the right time
To stop relying on or waiting for motivation
To embrace being uncomfortable
To be prepared to fail
To find the lesson
To ask better questions
To stop looking for approval, permission, protection and praise
To learn my own truth
To not sulk—but seek
To invest my emotional energy wisely
To stop waiting for people to care
To control what I can—and let go of what I can’t
To remember I am, like you, a multi-dimensional creature… and that just like you I am both complex and simple.
But mostly simple—and therefore, not easy.
Contributing Writer: Richard Real